Title |
"Autumn" ("Momiji no Yasuragi" translates as "Serenity of Red Maple") |
Date |
ca1980 |
Series |
Franklin Mint's "Birds of the Seasons" series. |
Publisher |
Yoshida Family Studio--Commissioned by the Franklin Mint. |
Seal, Carver/Printer |
Pencil-signed (in Japanese "kanji") signature--reads "Yoshida Toshi." |
Image Size |
Unusually Large--image 11 3/4 x 19 3/4. (Paper 13 3/4 x 21 1/4 overall.) |
Impression |
Very Fine. Skillfully executed "bokashi" shading; nicely detailed carving. |
Condition |
Excellent. Bright/fresh colors. Very clean front and verso. (Tape residues top verso margin.) |
Reference/Illus |
na |
Comments |
Gorgeous oversized image of a bird perched atop a brilliantly colored red Japanese
maple. (A "loose-sheet"--no frame.) Exceptional condition. |
Item # |
DG-634 |
Price |
$575 |