Title |
"Yagumo Bridge at Nagata Shrine in Snow, Kobe" ("Kobe Nagatajin-ja Yagumo-bashi") |
Date |
1934 (1946-57, lifetime printing) |
Provenance |
Collected 1947/48 by US Army Officer with McArthur occupation while in Japan. |
Series |
"Collection of Scenic Views of Japan II" ("Nihon Fukei Shu II Kansai Hen") |
Publisher |
Watanabe Shozaburo |
Seal, Carver/Printer |
Black "6mm seal" (lifetime edition). |
Image Size |
9 1/4 x 14 1/4 |
Impression |
Very Fine. Skillfully executed "bokashi" shading to sky, trees, umbrella and kimono, bridge
and buildings; visible "woodgrain" to background sky; finely carved details. |
Condition |
Nearly Excellent. Excellent colors. Very clean front and verso.
(Few scattered marks; very slight wear; slight toning.) |
Reference/Illus |
Narazaki #231; Hotei #327. |
Comments |
A beautifully colorful snowscene image of much depth. Lifetime edition. |
Item # |
EG-975 |
Price |
$1150 (Sold/SP) |