Title |
"Todoroko, Mito" ("Mito Todoroko-cho") |
Date |
1946 (pre-1947 printing) |
Provenance |
Private placement. Purchased 1947--consigned by family of Army Air Force serviceman
stationed in Tokyo. |
Series |
na (na) |
Publisher |
Watanabe Shozaburo |
Seal, Carver/Printer |
Unsealed--not uncommon from Watanabe Publisher (but known to date to 1947 or
earlier; hence most certainly a "First Edition" printing) |
Image Size |
9 1/2 x 13 3/4 |
Impression |
Fine. Skillfully executed "bokashi" shading to trees and roof area;
nicely visible woodgrain to sky; highly detailed carving, crisp lines. (Several ink
smudges to dark forground (difficult to see.) |
Condition |
Nearly Excellent. Clean front and verso. (Light toning. Very slight wear.) |
Reference/Illus |
Narazaki #481; Hotei #465. |
Comments |
Peaceful rural scene. Excellent colors. Not often seen. |
Item # |
MB-33 |
Price |
Special $400 (Sold/SS) (Reg $575) |